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Writer's pictureDivinely Driven Ministry

A Mother's Duty

By: Cat Wood

A daughter is born. She is precious, she is adored, she is perfect. This little bundle of joy grows into a cute little girl who charms everyone she meets. The mama’s heart is so full of joy while soaking in every moment and praying time would stop. The cute little girl matures physically, emotionally, and mentally. Life becomes a whole new world of challenges. The confusion and questions set in for both mom and daughter.

As a mama to our sweet daughter, most of our time fighting for her should be on our knees. But what do we do when our daughters begin to question who they are and their worth? This is the perfect moment to bring her close to softly whisper in her ear the truths of her Heavenly Father. She is His precious daughter who is worth more than gold.

The enemy will continually tell her lies. It is your job, mama, to stand in the gap. “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9 ESV) As God has called you into motherhood, He has also called you to disciple your sweet baby girl. You and she are chosen by God to do His will. You and she are part of His royal priesthood and His nation, which is so much bigger than we can fathom. Your daughter needs to hear that she is chosen, she is royal, and has the most amazing best friend a girl could ask for. She has Jesus!

However, she will not know this nor be confident in His truths unless you believe them and teach her. Paul’s letter to Peter also calls us to proclaim His excellencies. Your daughter is not only chosen, but has a purpose to share His love and His light. So, mama, next time your baby girl comes to you with the weight of the world on her shoulders because she isn’t enough, listen to her. Remind her that her Heavenly Father died for her and the two of you need to be the light of Jesus to those around her. Ask yourselves, who needs the hands of Jesus? What can we do to further the Kingdom of God?

One night as I was putting my eldest daughter to bed, I asked, “Do you have any concerns or questions for me?” Sometimes she does, and sometimes she doesn’t. That night, she became upset and began to cry. This emotion was due to not having a current ‘BFF’. As I sat and listened, I took the opportunity to ask, “Who is Jesus to you?” We should be asking ourselves this same question, and asking her made me think about my own answer.

She sweetly answered, “My savior. My friend.” How does this play out in reality? How do we talk to an invisible being? This conversation turned from an upset ten-year-old girl to a conversation about journaling. We discussed using one of the many journals she possesses to tell Jesus her wants, what angers her, what makes her happy, etc. As a mama, we can do the same – tell Jesus our wants, our angers, our joys, and how our heart breaks for our children. Our Heavenly Father’s heart longs for us to call out to Him. So, don’t wait any longer! Start a conversation with Him and your daughter. Get in the trenches for her relationship with Him. He will be with you every step of the way!

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