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A Different Kind of Love

By: Cat Wood

It is the biggest day of her life, one she’s been dreaming about since she was a little girl. Amidst flowers, and surrounded by friends and family, the bride is with the love of her life. She says “I do” and enjoys the reception with her new husband. The first year is wonderful as the newlyweds grow closer, and she loves every sweet minute of marital bliss.

Fast forward five years…work, family, and finances are now points of stress in this beautiful marriage. The husband and wife are now having to maneuver through the hardships of marriage. This is where ‘the rubber meets the road’, where we as wives need to love our husband as Jesus loves us.

This challenge is only possible with having Jesus as the center of your marriage. Your husband needs your love and respect. Friend, at times this really does take the power of Jesus, as the world tells us it’s okay to dislike and disrespect him. As a follower of Jesus, this is the perfect opportunity to stand strong in your faith in Jesus and represent the God who created the beautiful picture of marriage.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27 ESV

Right here in Genesis, it says male and female together were made in the image of God. He wanted to create man to have a relationship with Him, and to rule over, subdue, and take care of His creation. God then saw that man was alone and needed a helper:

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Genesis 2:18;24 ESV

Here, God created woman to help the man. She is made from the man, but is not ‘less than’ him. They are one in Christ. They are to carry on the work in the garden together with differing roles, supporting each other.

A man and a woman complete God’s purpose. God created them both with unique roles to further His Kingdom. He loves each one of his creations. It is our calling to speak truth to all those around us no matter what they believe.

Unfortunately, many of our peers are confused and are hurting for whatever reason, which leads them to grasp the closest thing that will accept them for who they are in their mind’s eye. The world lies to them, encouraging them to go against God’s absolute truth. These individuals are all around us, looking for love and acceptance.

All of this breaks my heart, and it used to be hard for me to even look at these brothers are sisters who believe they are homosexual or transgender. But as I grow closer to Jesus and ask for His help, I realize they are still children of the Highest King who need His love, not judgment or hate. Maybe my smile or an interaction with me could make a difference. As they were created in His image, God has a plan for each of their lives, just as He has a plan for your life and mine. Nothing is out of His reach.

This kind of love starts in your marriage and your interaction with your husband. How are you loving your husband? How are you loving your children’s father? If you are not married, the father of your children still needs your love and respect. Do you respect him and allow him to be the man God called him to be?

Step out and take a stand for Jesus by loving those who are hard for you to love, and surrender your own thoughts and feelings to Him. Don’t let the world influence you with its lies. Grab on to your Creator and be the kind of woman who is known by how she lives and loves for God.

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