By: Christy Lustig
It’s so easy to get trapped in the routine of everyday life here. I wake up, make my coffee, and rush into the same pattern - hug my children good morning, make lunches, get dressed, and drive to school. It can be easy to forget what my Lord God has planned for me. Each day, He wakes me up, and I am grateful, but I have found myself not making the intentional time for worship. Why is it so easy to set an alarm to go to work, or get to a sports practice, but to set a dedicated daily time to talk to our King uninterrupted feels foreign? My Earthly obligations have no real place in His Kingdom. Living intentionally with the Holy Spirit as my guide means re evaluating where I place my obedience in His word, and how my actions embody this.
Recently, I read a quote from a pastor that stuck with me. "How can we want to spend an eternity with God, but we can't even spend an hour with him now?" This struck a chord within my spirit, as it truly shifted my perspective - How did I get so busy living that I had forgotten to spend uninterrupted time with the one I live for? After some reflection, I knew what needed to happen. I started right away.
I made the time before the start of my day, early in the morning, for quality time with God my Father, in any capacity my life would allow. Some days it looks like a podcast and other days it may be studying scripture. As of lately, a journal reflecting on what I have read as I reflect on what spoke to my heart.
You see, friend, there are no rules in how Jesus shows up in your life, as long as His presence is intentionally there with you because you have made time, uninterrupted, to be in His presence.
"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing" - John 15:4-5
Jesus reminds us that there isn't much we can do with out Him, making it all more vital to dedicate the time to the source of our lives as we stop the noise and the mundane of everyday and make the time, UNINTERRUPTED.