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Look Up

Writer's picture: Divinely Driven MinistryDivinely Driven Ministry

~By: Lindsey Whitmore~

One night, a few weeks ago, the rain began before the birds rose, when the sun was just tucking into the other side of the world. Holy Spirit woke me to hear its arrival. Still in a daze, I nestled back into a meditative rest with the Lord. There was no sleep, instead just a time of being with Him. When I arose, the rain was still falling, but it was a different kind of rain. It was intentional, steady, and beautiful. God was opening the Heavens and pouring down His unfailing, everlasting, redeeming, and healing love.

Later that day, I heard the words, “Look up” in my spirit. When I did, I received what I had been waiting for all day--God’s majestic splendor painted in the sky as a rainbow. I stared in amazement and wonder at the rainbow of a remembered promise. Worship music filled my ears and swelled my heart: “Let faith arise, Let faith arise, Open my eyes…” (Chris Tomlin).

Look up at the sky! Who created the stars you see? The one who leads them out like an army, he knows how many there are and calls each one by name! His power is so great—not one of them is ever missing! Isaiah 40:26 GNT

For some, the rain that day meant restored hope in God’s promises over their life. For others, it was a day to cry and know that the rain was God comforting them in their time of need. Yet for others, the rain was redemption from an old life into a new one; God washed away the past and the doubts and replaced them with His Holy Love. Whatever the rain means for you, God wants you to remember to look up. He is there, always.

It is written in Hebrews 12:2 GNT, “Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross! On the contrary, because of the joy that was waiting for him, he thought nothing of the disgrace of dying on the cross, and he is now seated at the right side of God's throne.”

Our God is the ONLY ONE, out of all the thousands of other religions, who bends down to us, who loves us so much that He came down in the flesh, as we are flesh, through His Son Jesus Christ.

I believe my spirit took over that night and day when it rained and I was reminded to look up to see the rainbow of God’s promise in order to remind us of this simple truth: GOD IS WITH US. Our Lord is with us in our valleys, as well as on our mountain tops. God’s living Word tells us not to be afraid or in dismay, for He is with us and will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5). All we must remember to do is LOOK UP.

My prayer is that you are blessed by reading this. May your strength be regained. May your faith be stretched and grow. I pray that you continue to seek Him, who was, is, and always will be, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

“Drip down, O heavens, from above, And let the clouds pour down righteousness; Let the earth open up and salvation bear fruit, And righteousness spring up with it. I, the Lord, have created it.” Isaiah 45:8 NASB

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Thank you ladies for your encouragement. I am so grateful that God spoke to you through what He gave me to write. Love you both!


Krystal J Russell
Aug 08, 2019

Lindsey, this is so absolutely beautiful. I am beyond gratefully blessed to know you. You have already taught me so much. God is pouring out connections like oil. It is a beautiful thing to behold. Love you all my new sisters in Christ. Krystal Russell


Unknown member
Aug 07, 2019

My sweet Lindsey . . . I read this as I sit at the kitchen table with a gentle steady rain coming down outside. Every few minutes thunder sounds and J.J. barks at it as if that will stop it!

Your words, expressing your overflowing love for Jesus, give me a picture of that morning you described.

As you know, lately, particular situations have been like heavy weights upon me, pulling me down, trying to sap my physical, mental and emotional well being. Isn’t it just like the Lord to put this message on your heart “for such a time as this.” Thank you.

I lift my eyes to you, O God enthroned in heave. Ps. 123:1

Much love, Patty

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