~By: Krista Steuber~
The sanctioning of abortion in this country is heartbreaking and dire. Pro-life vs. pro-choice is one of the most polarizing topics that turns into an ugly uproar in the blink of an eye. There’s so much going on in the news at this time, and I see countless posts about it on social media. And along with that comes the bashing, the hate, and the depraved thinking that describes a baby in the womb as not being a human life.
As a Christ-follower, abortion grieves my heart and soul. It saddens and sickens my spirit. God has opened my eyes to what abortion really is: child sacrifice. Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us the seven things that God hates and are detestable to Him. One of them is “hands that shed innocent blood.” This phrase “describes the premeditated or perverse desire to kill the innocent. In the time period when the book of Proverbs was authored, this referred to the widespread practice of child sacrifice by the worshipers of” false gods (Bevere, 2018, p. 121). Child sacrifice is taking place today in our society in the form of abortion. Innocent blood is being shed inside mothers’ wombs.
Before I was a Christ-follower, I was ignorant about what abortion truly is. I was pro-choice, and I believed the lie that it is the woman’s choice because it is her body. As I’ve been reading 1st Corinthians, God has been teaching me why I thought that way, why so many people continue to think that way, and why the war over abortion continues to rage on. In the world outside of the Body of Christ, Satan and his demons are in control and have free rein in the minds and lives of unbelievers. Pastor Sandy Adams states, “Expect a sinner to sin. He lacks the power to do otherwise. Until a person receives Jesus, they lack both the purpose and power to change their ways and clean up their lives.” A ‘natural’ man or woman (compared to a ‘spiritual’ man or woman) is still blind to the truth because he/she does not have the Holy Spirit in his/her life. (1 Corinthians 2:14). “The ‘natural’ man is deaf to spiritual communication. He doesn’t hear the voice of God. He’s limited to an earth-bound perspective” (Pastor Sandy Adams).
So, as Christians, what are we to do? What is our responsibility as disciples of Christ? We use our Spirit-driven voices (John 14:26) to speak God’s Truth from a place of love. We show unbelievers and sinners mercy and compassion because that’s what Christ did for us. We hate the sin, not the person. We confront the sin and share the Gospel. We go out into the harvest field and work to help redeem God’s sons and daughters by reaching out to them and investing in their lives (Matthew 9:37-38). We co-labor with God by planting and watering seeds of truth that God will make grow (1 Corinthians 3:6-9).
And, we use our voices to pray for God’s people. “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18 NIV “...Tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer!” James 5:16b TPT
We all have a voice. We must allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to speak life-giving words to all He places in our paths.
***Many women are led astray not knowing they have options that involve choosing life. For more information, including free counseling, please visit Oasis Pregnancy Care Centers. And if you are a woman that has gone through the pain of having had an abortion, there is forgiveness and healing for you. A great ministry that can help with this is Healing Grace. Contact the confidential number, 813-607-2468, or visit Healing Grace to learn more.***
Work Cited
Bevere, L. (2018) Adamant. Grand Rapids, MI: Revell.